Guardianship & intervention Orders


Guardianship & intervention Orders

When a loved one loses the ability to run their own affairs, it can of course be extremely upsetting for everyone involved. Such an occurrence can take place as a result of an illness or a sudden accident, and those left with the task of picking up the pieces can find the process difficult, complex and stressful. Thankfully, family law experts such as our team at MML Law are in the perfect position to provide help and support.

Anyone with an interest in the person involved can apply for a Guardianship Order, including relatives, carers and legal representatives. More than one person can apply for a Guardianship Order. Applications need to feature details of the required powers, which may be on a one-off or an ongoing basis, depending on the condition of the adult in question. If one-off decisions are needed, it’s often the case that an Intervention Order would be more practical.

Welfare Guardianship relates to the power to make decisions regarding the individual’s personal care, and can often include medical issues and judgments on where the subject will live. In some cases, a social worker or local authority representative will be asked to act in this role. As always, the correct care of the individual will be the main priority.

Financial Guardianship is more to do with the individual’s personal finances. This can include creating an estate inventory, producing a management plan and compiling accounts on an annual basis. If a member of the person’s family decides to take on this role, they need to be aware that it can be onerous and will almost certainly be time-consuming.

Here at MML Law, our team can take all of this burden from your shoulders with ease. We can handle all the complexities, including making applications to the courts, liaising with medical specialists and dealing with local authorities. We can draw up the documentation and make sure all processes are able to run smoothly, quickly and efficiently.

If you’re thinking about having to make decisions on behalf of someone else, especially if it’s a loved one, you’ll already know it can be a daunting prospect. This is a process that most people think, and hope, they will never have to manage, so when it becomes a reality you can be forgiven for feeling a little overwhelmed. Thankfully, the solution is only a phone call away.

Making sure all the relevant procedures are carried out correctly often becomes complicated, but if you have legal professionals on your side from the beginning you can focus your energies on helping the individual in so many ways. Making the very best of an already difficult situation is crucial.

To find out more about our various future planning services, from power of attorney and guardianship orders to wills and long-term care, all you have to do is call the team on 01382 206 000. Peace of mind at such a difficult times could be just what you need right now. We hope you’ll make that call soon.

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