Settlement agreements


Settlement agreements

It’s never easy, or particularly pleasant, to deal with disputes in the workplace, especially between an employer and an individual employee. There are times when the differences become insurmountable, and the only outcome that will satisfy both parties is a parting of the ways. When this happens, it makes sense to consider the various options available to facilitate this.

One of the more common options is to implement a Settlement Agreement. This is a legally binding document, effectively a contract between the company and the employee, that will record the agreed terms in writing. In the vast majority of instances, a Settlement Agreement pertains to the termination of an employment contract, but in fact there are times when it can be used to resolve a single dispute, perhaps involving unpaid salaries or a case of discrimination in the workplace.

There are several occasions when a Settlement Agreement would be a preferential avenue to pursue for both parties, for example to avoid going through an Employment Tribunal. If you’re an employee of a company and you’re looking to resolve a major dispute, the team at MML Law will be able to advise of the suitability of all the options open to you. We are proud of the reputation we have for providing top quality client care, so you know you’ll be in good hands.

If a Settlement Agreement suits both parties, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. For example, it has to be in writing, it should be in reference to a particular issue and the employee is obliged to seek legal advice from a qualified professional. As each Settlement Agreement is a bespoke document, other potential factors can be included as well.

These agreements often prove attractive to employees for several reasons. They can usually avoid a time-consuming and expensive tribunal case, for example, and of course they enable the individual to seek a financial compensation sum as part of the terms. Here at MML Law, our skilled, tenacious legal specialists will be on hand to help you to pursue the best possible outcome.

Our helpful, empathetic approach to dealing with our clients makes it easy for employees to approach us, no matter how uncomfortable they may feel initially. We will patiently listen to your details before offering the very best advice and guidance, and will clearly indicate the optimum strategies available to you. No matter what you do for a living, what company you work for or in which industry you’re based, our focus will be on your complete satisfaction.

It’s not always easy to make that first contact with a legal specialist, especially if you’re in the midst of a particularly upsetting dispute at work, but the most competent representation is an absolute must at this stage. The sooner we are in your corner, the better it will be for your peace of mind, so call MML Law today on 01382 206 000. We look forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

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